Step 5: Submit Building Permit Application Package


Once you have completed the Pre-Clearances, the next step will be to submit your Rebuild Application. RPC technicians will assist you with verifying that all required information is provided for the application package intake. They will assist with processing all permits required during the rebuilding process

Heads up! An incomplete package will not be accepted and will require you to come back at a later time with the missing information. Please complete the entire package before applying to ensure timely processing of your rebuilding permits.

The Recovery Permit Center has been established to provide a streamlined building permit process for property owners rebuilding after the CZU Lightning Complex Fires. Once you have submitted a complete application you can expect to hear the result of the review in 7 business days. If plan corrections are required, those are reviewed more quickly. You may check the progress of your permit application by emailing or calling the RPC.

  1. Have you made an application submittal appointment with the RPC?
    You can self-schedule an appointment here. The key to streamlining the building permit review is submitting a complete application package at the start. The RPC team will assist you in assembling all of the documents you need and will preview your material before you submit plans. Review Steps 1-4 for obtaining a building permit. Questions about what to submit? Email us at or give us a call at 831-454-5323.
  2. Are your pre-clearances completed?
    A complete package includes all issues identified in your three completed pre-clearances: Environmental Health Clearance, which addresses water systems and septic systems; Fire Clearance, which addresses access and fire protection requirements; and Geologic Hazards Clearance, which addresses potential geologic hazards. Click here for more information on the pre-clearance process.
  3. Is a discretionary planning permit triggered by the project?
    Infrequently, in addition to a building permit, a discretionary planning permit is required in order to rebuild. For example, this may happen if there is substantial new grading, new retaining walls, or homes or outbuildings are enlarged beyond the threshold sizes given in the County Code or are replacing structures in the Coastal Zone that did not have the necessary approvals when they were originally built. Planning permits are unlikely to be needed if the rebuild is replacing the same or similar structure in the same or similar location on the lot. Speak with the RPC about any planning permits that might be needed.

As part of our effort to provide the best support for those rebuilding due to the CZU Lightning Complex Fires, a streamlined building permit application review process has been created. You can expect to hear the result of your building permit application review in 7 business days. If corrections are required, those are reviewed more quickly. You may check the progress of your application review by emailing or calling the RPC.

Have you consulted with your design team?
Consult with the members of the design team you assembled in Step 2 to ensure that they have reviewed the plan set for consistency with their recommendations. Some consultants, such as the geotechnical and civil engineers of record, will need to submit plan review forms approving the project design as part of the building permit process.