Santa Cruz County is a healthy, safe, and inclusive community.

Santa Cruz County provides a variety of state and federal services to residents.
However, we do not act as an extension of federal law enforcement agencies.
This webpage contains key resources to support residents who are concerned about their ability to access critical health care or social safety net services to support their overall health, well-being, and ability to thrive.

Santa Cruz County celebrates its long and rich history of immigrants who have shaped the local economy and emerged as leaders in agriculture, tourism, the military, education, business, healthcare, and other vital professions. Fostering a welcoming community is essential for a vibrant and inclusive Santa Cruz County that ensures immigrants, refugees, and other newcomers can access economic security, empowerment, civic engagement, safety, and protection from discrimination, oppression, and violence.

We are proud of our collaboration to help deliver basic services of public safety, education, health care and more. On May 18, 2018, Santa Cruz County joined 25 other jurisdictions representing 18 million Californians in defending Senate Bill 54 and attempting to stop the federal government from undermining public safety and civic participation.

What you need to know:

  • The County does not report immigrants to ICE.
  • In the unlikely event ICE agents present themselves at County offices to inquire about clients, County staff have been instructed to contact supervisors immediately. ICE agents are not permitted to enter non-public areas of County buildings without a judicial warrant.
  • Our Health Center providers and Human Services Department staff are dedicated to respecting and are required to comply with an individual’s right to privacy and confidentiality. We do not share any information about any individual’s immigration status or records with federal immigration authorities.
  • You have the right to apply for and secure housing without sharing your immigration status. California law prohibits housing providers from asking about your immigration status unless you are applying for federally funded affordable housing. Additionally, our Housing for Health case management staff are prohibited from sharing personally identifying information when assisting people with housing and will not share the documented status of an individual with law enforcement agents.
  • You have the right to apply for and access full scope Medi-Cal health benefits as eligible, as part of California’s Medi-Cal expansion to immigrants of all ages regardless of documented status, including In Home Support Services (IHSS) to those eligible. County staff are prohibited from sharing personally identifying information when helping people enroll in Medi-Cal or IHSS and will not share the documented status of an individual with law enforcement agents.

Find Legal Assistance

Please contact each organization or visit their website for a full description of services provided.

Santa Cruz County Immigration Project of the Community Action Board
(831) 724-5667
Legal immigration services, advocacy, and community education. Provides resources for immigration legal services and access to education and other essential services for individuals in the tri-county region of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz.
Catholic Charities Diocese of Monterey
(831) 722-2675 ext. 4235
Immigration attorney and Department of Justice Accredited staff assists people on a path to lawful permanent residency and citizenship.
Oasis Legal Services
Bay Area (510) 666-6687
Central Valley (559) 777-6786
Oasis Legal Services provides legal and social services to low-income LGBTQ+ community members. Searchable online directory of free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states. Only nonprofits that are Department of Justice (DOJ) recognized or have attorneys on staff are included in the directory.
California Courts Self-Help Guide Immigration resources provided by the California Courts.
Office of the California Attorney General, Rob Bonta Resources for California’s immigrant communities, including ways to protect yourself from immigration scams and how to file a consumer complaint with the Department of Justice.
State Bar of California The attorney search tool helps verify an attorney’s credentials and whether they are allowed to practice law in the state of California.
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) Roster of Recognized Organizations and Accredited Representatives Verify that a non-profit organization or individual is accredited and allowed to provide immigration legal services.
Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Cruz County
(831) 425-4755
Local non-profit service certified by the State Bar of California that provides referrals to lawyers in various practice areas. Administration fee of $50 covers a 30-minute consultation with an attorney.
Immigrants Rising Immigration, higher education, entrepreneurship, and mental health resources for DACA recipients and undocumented youth.

Know Your Rights Resources

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detainee Locator

Find a loved one that is currently in ICE custody or who has been in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s custody for more than 48 hours. Please note that the Detainee Locator System cannot search for records for individuals under the age of 18.

Santa Cruz County Sheriff Chris Clark stands firmly in support of our family members, friends, and neighbors, no matter their immigration status. The Sheriff’s Office encourages victims of crime to come forward regardless of immigration status.

The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office does not honor immigration holds when sent to local custody facilities and will remain vigilant and ensure transparency should any immigration enforcement action be conducted within our community without our support.

Santa Cruz is a Sanctuary County for transgender, gender queer, non-binary, gender fluid, and intersex people.

By declaring the County a sanctuary for these communities, we seek to ensure access to gender-affirming health care, safeguard individuals from out-of-state legal actions related to gender-affirming health care, and reinforce the county's commitment to equality and human rights.

Services Provided

Our County's Health Centers offer gender-affirming care, and our Health and Human Services Agencies partner with providers like the Santa Cruz County Diversity Center to support LGBTQ+ youth and adults with Behavioral Health needs and to prevent exploitation.

Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
Santa Cruz Health Center
1080 Emeline Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA
(831) 454-4100

Watsonville Health Center
1430 Freedom Blvd. Ste. D
Watsonville, CA
(831) 763-8400
Gender-affirming care
Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
Behavioral Health Division
1400 Emeline Ave. Ste. K
Santa Cruz, CA
(831) 454-4170

1430 Freedom Blvd. Ste. F
Watsonville, CA
(831) 763-8200

(800) 952-2335
24-Hour Access Line / Mobile Crisis Response Team
Supports LGBTQ+ youth and adults with Behavioral Health needs
Santa Cruz County Superior Court
Self-Help Center
1 Second Street, Room 301
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 786-7200 (option 4)
Name Change/Gender Change

Additional resource information for members of the LGBTQIA2S communities can be found at:

HSA Health Centers support the reproductive health rights of our diverse community by offering comprehensive services, including reproductive health education for teens and adults, STI/HIV testing and treatment, family planning counseling, and access to contraception for individuals of all genders.

Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
Santa Cruz Health Center
1080 Emeline Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA
(831) 454-4100

Watsonville Health Center
1430 Freedom Blvd. Ste. D
Watsonville, CA
(831) 763-8400
  • Annual PAP exams
  • Family planning counseling, information, and birth control.
  • Sterilization referral, low and no-cost service for eligible clients.
  • Emergency contraception available, no appointment needed, same day service.
  • Confidential examination and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency
Public Health Division
Teen Health Outreach
  • Provides comprehensive, inclusive, and medically accurate sexual health education through outreach and community partnerships. We focus on supporting healthy relationships, reducing unplanned pregnancy, and preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV.

Santa Cruz County’s Health Services Agency and Human Services Department are here to ensure individuals and families receive the support they need. An effective way to stay connected with your Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and CalWORKs benefits, or to receive Health Center medical consultations, is over the phone or online, from the comfort of your home or any other remote location.

County of Santa Cruz
Human Services Department

Call us by phone at: (888) 421-8080
Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm
A Benefits Representative can help you apply for benefits or manage your existing case.

For online assistance, visit:
With a BenefitsCal account, you can apply for or manage existing benefits, submit reports and renewals, and upload documents — all in one place.

CalFresh and CalWORKs recipients can track EBT usage, freeze/unfreeze your EBT card, change your EBT pin, and request an EBT replacement card-all remotely. Visit, download the EBTedge app on your smartphone, or call (877) 328-9677 to manage your EBT card.
  • Apply for, renew or get assistance with Medi-Cal, CalFresh or CalWORKs benefits.
  • Our Benefits Call Center is available in English and Spanish for benefits related phone assistance.
  • Online Assistance can be accessed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
  • All residents have the right to apply for benefits and access those benefits you are deemed eligible for. County staff are prohibited from sharing personally identifying information when helping people apply for or enroll in benefits, and will not share the documented status of an individual with law enforcement agents.
Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency

All of our Health Center locations offer telehealth (phone or video) medical visits for our patients.

If we are currently not your primary care provider, please call Central California Alliance for Health at 800-700-3874 and request to change your primary care provider to Santa Cruz County Health Centers.
Can’t make it to an in-office appointment?
Call our office to change your appointment to a phone or video call instead. There is no extra cost for choosing this option.
Our convenient telehealth services are designed to be secure and confidential, with proper safeguards in place to protect your health information. Give us a call to learn more about telehealth options or to schedule an appointment.

Santa Cruz Health Center:
(831) 454-4100

Homeless Persons’ Health Project:

Watsonville Health Center:
(831) 763-8400

Share This Information

Post a downloadable flyer in your place of business, school or other public area where people who may benefit from this information will see it.

  • Download and print County flyer on remote access to benefits and telehealth