Mauricio Pacheco
Mauricio Pacheco
Mauricio Pacheco is the County Warehouse Supervisor and has worked diligently to improve the physical warehouse spaces in the areas of organization, de-cluttering, and safety, and he and his team have made significant improvements to the process of inventory control through the use of technology and implementing new tools. Not only does Mauricio perform a tremendous amount of work for departments throughout the County to problem-solve their storage needs, he also steps in during disaster events handling the high-pressure work of managing and coordinating resources.
Mauricio does all of this with sincere enthusiasm for his work, a kind demeanor, and his pride for the County operations is apparent in every action taken, be it regularly volunteering for additional duties, or making one final run to meet the needs of customers. With his dedication, professionalism, loyalty, courtesy towards others, and his incredibly strong work ethic, Mauricio exemplifies the highest standards and character traits of a County employee and public servant.
ISD Budget Website Development Team
Yan Zhang and Tom Melkonian
Tom Melkonian, Yan Zhang
The primary policy and planning tool for the County of Santa Cruz is the yearly budget, guiding over 1 billion in spending on community services and infrastructure so that all individuals have opportunities to lead healthy, safe lives. In June of 2022, for the first time in the County’s history, the budget was presented primarily through a County website and database developed by Yan Zhang and Tom Melkonian in the Information Services Department. The majority of the site was structured and designed ināhouse based on local stakeholder feedback, and the site integrates standard web functions that increase access to the public, such as translation tools and a mobile device-friendly format.
Having a budget website dramatically increases CAO staff effectiveness by reducing production time and increasing time dedicated to policy guidance on strategic and operational investments. By moving to an online presentation, the budget is also more accessible and accountable to the public, reduces production time and mistakes, and establishes a foundation for future innovation.
Santa Cruz County Strategic Plan and Budget
General Services Custodial Team
Roman Anaya, Jose Anaya Rocha, Alejandro Carranco, Amy Cobos, Rocio Cruz Hernandez, Maria T. DeLeon, Felipe Garcia Cruz, Randy Grimes, Araceli Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Pedro Hernandez, Angel Magana, Maria Mondragon, Gilbert Moreno, Emily Olaguez Ruiz, Olga Perez, Arthur Ramirez, Salvador Vazquez, Rosauro Victorio
Back row, left to right: Jose Anaya, Ross Victorio, Felipe Garcia-Cruz, Maria DeLeon, Sal Vazquez, Pedro Hernandez, Maria Mondragon, Randy Grimes
Middle row, left to right: Angel Magana, Araceli Hernandez, Amy Cobos, Jose Escobar-Fernandez Jr., Alex Carranco
Front Row, left to right: Rocio Cruz Hernandez, Olga Perez, Gilbert Moreno, Roman Anaya, Art Ramirez
The General Services Custodial Team is collectively responsible for over 30 facilities consisting of 475,000 square feet of offices, clinics, and community and public serving spaces throughout the County, and they are an integral and highly valued part of the County workforce, providing clean, safe, and welcoming facilities for staff and visitors. During the past few years, the Custodial Team has been essential in ensuring the safety of our County employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and have routinely responded to necessary COVID-19 cleanings, bloodborne pathogen issues, and other emergency cleanup, on top of managing their regular day to day responsibilities. The Custodial Team adapted their job responsibilities, finding new ways to meet the expanded workload, even when understaffed or when team members were out sick themselves, thereby further protecting the public, and County staff. The Custodial Team exemplifies the meaning of teamwork and has performed its duties with the highest levels of dedication and professionalism, keeping with the deepest traditions of public service.