All County Objectives

# 166

School Outreach

Progress impacted by COVID-19. Budget constraints created by the economic impact of the pandemic may result in further objective delays or discontinuing work. Departments will complete this analysis for the December 2020 update.
By June 2021, Probation will collaborate with at least three school partners to adopt policies and procedures to implement social-emotional responses to student behaviors or absences.


Key Steps

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Establish school-based system to respond to behavioral situation with needs assessment and community service referrals. Establish social-emotional responses to moderate-severe behavior and/or absences. Leverage or implement the use of restorative justice practices to resolve conflicts or challenging behaviors.  
Plan Reference: Collaborating Depts:
1.B.iii, 1.C.ii DAO, SHF 3 Schools Adopting Protocols 100%