All County Objectives

# 90

Child Wellbeing

All key steps have been implemented and this objective is considered complete even though the target was not met. Due to COVID and other delays several key steps were delayed which impacted the number of timely CFT meetings completed. In FY 20-21, when the key steps were completed there has been a marked improvement in timely meetings and staff believe data is being correctly entered now. The better data collection shows that CFT meeting rate is close to 70% this Fiscal Year, while the two year meeting rate is 40%.
By June 2021, Human Services will ensure 75% of children entering care will receive at least one Child and Family (CFT) meeting.


Key Steps

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Work with Health Services to develop the CFT protocol, which will be a collaborative approach. Establish baseline. Identify and train staff to conduct meetings and any associated procedures. Conduct meetings with children who are entering out of home care to support placement stability. Track progress, identify lessons learned, enhance programs as needed.
Plan Reference: Collaborating Depts:
Baseline: Progress:
1.B.ii, 1.D.ii, 5.D.ii HSA 75.00% CFT Meeting Rate 50% 80% (70%)
One way to ensure family-centered services is to hold child and family team (CFT) meetings which seek to promote individualized holistic plans for each child entering care. The team may include formal and informal supports of the child and all members share the responsibility to assess, plan, intervene, monitor, and refine services over time.